ESLint plugin



# npm
npm install @kiwicom/eslint-plugin-orbit-components --save-dev
# yarn
yarn add @kiwicom/eslint-plugin-orbit-components --dev
"plugins": [
// ...
"rules": {
// ...
"@kiwicom/orbit-components/button-has-title": "error",
"@kiwicom/orbit-components/unnecessary-text": "error",
"extends": [

Supported Rules

  • button-has-title: Enforces that Button and ButtonLink do have either children or title property.
  • unnecessary-text: Enforces that children of Button or Heading are not wrapped in Text component.
  • default-theme: This rule aims to prevent the wrong usage of the defaultTheme object from @kiwicom/orbit-components
  • no-custom-colors: Prevents inconsistencies between Orbit and custom colors
  • no-custom-typography: This rule aims to prevent the usage of custom values for font-size, font-family and line-height CSS properties. Only some of the design tokens from @kiwicom/orbit-design-tokens should be used as a value.
  • prefer-single-destructure: Using too many arrow functions in interpolations can harm performance - because they have to be evaluated with execution context. This is done internally by wrapping all functions into the css helper from styled-components
  • rtl-utils: Prevents bad theme.rtl patterns. Users often make the same mistake, they tend to use theme.rtl to apply RTL styles like right/left position, margins, and paddings. This rule should prevent such cases and enforce the usage of our RTL utility functions.
  • unique-id: Rule prevents namespace collisions of the id HTML attribute. It often happens, that some elements can have the same ids. To prevent it in our codebase, it’s better to use randomID utility function.
  • use-rtl: This rule aims to prevent RTL mistakes. A user can forget about RTL and use only static values, this rule should help to avoid that.
